Designed for 3-4 year olds, pre-dance classes are typically 45 minutes in length and include instruction in ballet, tap & creative movement. Dancers learn and practice the seven loco-motor movements; walking, running, hopping, jumping, skipping, galloping and leaping that are such an integral part of all dance.
Imagination is encouraged as young dancers explore concepts of space, rhythm, tempo and movement in many fun and creative ways. Basic ballet, tap and jazz steps, as well as associated terminology, are taught and practiced in many fun ways throughout the dance season.
Pre-dance students learn and perform one routine in The Show! (our annual recital that takes place every June).
2023-2024 Season | August 14 - June 15
Regular attendance is imperative to insure quality instruction for all students.
SBSD students are expected to act kindly and respectfully toward others at all times. Harming or threatening others, degrading comments, and any general display of disrespectful behavior (in the studio and/or on social media) will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the studio. Students are expected to listen & focus in all classes.
Socializing/talking during instructional time causes distraction and will not be tolerated. Students should practice ONLY the technique and dance steps specific to the class they are participating in. Use of cell phones, smart watches, or any form of technology during class is not allowed. Ringers should be turned off and no checking for calls/texts.
Proper attire, including shoes, is required to participate in class. Students who come to class improperly dressed and/or without proper shoes may be asked to sit out. Hair must always be neatly secured away from face in ALL classes! Full hour ballet classes have strict attire guidelines and require hair to be neatly secured into a bun. Full details regarding attire guidelines for all classes are available on the SBSD website.
Absolutely no eating during dance class! Snacks eaten in between classes should be eaten outside or in designated seating areas...never on the open dance floor! No open drink containers allowed – Only beverage containers with secure lids, straws, etc.
SBSD has a closed studio observation policy. Our priority is a focused environment for our students which is best achieved with only the students and teachers in the studio room during classroom instruction time. Our Poway Studio has a viewing TV in the lobby, and at the RB studio, on occasion, the doors will be kept open and parents will be invited in to watch the last few minutes of class.
The Bernardo Oaks parking lot is for the use of S&T Club members only. Non S&T Club members are to use the back parking lot, accessible off Pomerado Road, when parking, dropping off or picking up dancers. No waiting or parking in handicapped spaces should occur at any time, for any reason unless the car is equipped with a handicapped sticker.
Blocking traffic in either parking lot while waiting for your child to make their way out after dance class is not permitted.
Please pull fully into a parking space while you wait or circle around to keep the flow of traffic moving.
SBSD students, and their families, are expected to respect all rules and regulations of the RB S&T Club. Non Club members are limited to the use of the dance rooms, tables outside the dance rooms, restrooms and playground*.
*Playground use is a privilege. SBSD families who are not club members should not plan for extended play dates before or after dance class. Siblings may use playground while waiting for a sister/brother who is taking class, but only when properly supervised by an adult. Children of ALL ages require supervision on the S&T Club playground.
STEP BY STEP DANCE classes run on a monthly tuition schedule, August through June. Monthly tuition remains the same regardless of how many weeks fall in the month. All families are required to keep a working credit/debit card on file and enrollment will not be finalized until payment information is received. STEP BY STEP DANCE charges first month tuition at the time of registration. Following the first month of enrollment, tuition will be automatically charged to the credit/debit card on file on the 1st of each month. In order to change or cancel your recurring tuition payment written notice must be received, via email, by the 10th day of the previous month (i.e., for November tuition to be changed or cancelled, written notice, via email, must be received by October 10). All tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable. Monthly tuition for students registering, or adding classes, mid-month will be prorated at a rate of $17/class up to 3 classes.
Make-up lessons and drop in classes are permitted only when space is available in an appropriate class. Make-up lessons & drop in classes must be scheduled in advanced by emailing support@sbsdinc.com. Drop-In Fee is $20 per class.
For registered customers adding additional classes and/or students to their account, all fees related to adding classes will be charged to the credit/debit card on file at the time the changes are processed.
STEP BY STEP DANCE enrollment is continuous. A registered student remains enrolled until a parent gives us written notice to withdraw. To withdraw from any class, STEP BY STEP DANCE requires written notice, via email, by the 10th day of the previous month. Without advanced written notice, a spot in class will continue to be reserved for your child and tuition will still be due whether or not a child attends class.
In the event an auto payment does not successfully process, for any reason, SBSD will notify customer via email to request new card information. If new card information is not provided within 5 days, a $25 late fee will be charged to the customer’s account. It is the responsibility of the customer to contact STEP BY STEP DANCE with any credit/debit card changes, including new card information when the card on file expires.
A $25 fee will be charged for all returned checks
GIRLS: Any dancewear including leotard & tights, unitard, jazz pants with dance tops, etc. Pre-Dance students are welcome to wear ballet skirts/tutus, but please NO floor length skirts!
BOYS: Black bottoms (shorts or long pants that are stretchy and allow for easy movement) with a plain solid color T-shirt.
SHOES: Pink Ballet Shoes (Black Ballet Shoes for Boys) & Black Tap Shoes
DRESSED 2 DANCE (www.dressed2dance.com)
PLEASE NOTE: Dressing like a dancer will have a positive impact on how a student feels & learns in class. SBSD sets standards for proper attire in order to encourage the best possible learning environment for all students. With that in mind, please remember that regular street clothes are never appropriate for dance class & hair should always be secured neatly off the face for dancers of all ages. Without proper shoes & attire, a student may be restricted from participating in class.